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Full Integration


The Full integration level provides all the features that CloudReactor has to offer. Compared to the Simple integration level, it has these additional features:

  • Task scheduling
  • ECS service setup, including load balancer configuration
  • Tasks show up in the CloudReactor dashboard before they execute

To gain these features, you need to register your Task beforehand with the CloudReactor API. Below, we’ll use the aws-ecs-cloudreactor-deployer Docker image to deploy to ECS as well do the CloudReactor registration. (It’s also possible to make API calls to create Tasks directly if you know the ECS task definition ARN, but we won’t cover that here.)


The steps to grant CloudReactor Task management access are a pre-requisite for full integration.

Additionally, you should create another CloudReactor API key, this time with the Task access level. Follow the instructions for creating an API key, except select the Task access level instead of the Developer access level in step 2. Your Task will use this key to report its state to CloudReactor while it is running. For security’s sake, it has more limited permissions.

Using aws-ecs-cloudreactor-deploy to deploy your project

The easiest way to gain full integration capabilities is to use the aws-ecs-cloudreactor-deploy Docker image to build and deploy your project. It can deploy multiple tasks per project to both ECS and CloudReactor, so it alleviates the need to do the setup yourself.

Setting up deployment permissions

aws-ecs-cloudreactor-deployer needs to be configured with AWS credentials that allow it to deploy Docker images to AWS ECR and create tasks in ECS on your behalf.

You can either:

  1. Use access keys or a role associated with an admin user or a power user with broad permissions; or
  2. Create a user and role with specific permissions for deployment.

If you’re using an admin or power user, feel free to skip to the next step.

If you want to use a new user and role, we’ve prepared a “CloudReactor AWS deployer” CloudFormation template. Note that an admin user has to upload this template, as it creates an additional user. When ready, log into the AWS management console, select the CloudFormation service, and upload this template. It will create a user with all the necessary permissions. When the CloudFormation template has completed deployment, it will output an access key ID and secret, save these for use later!).

For more details, see AWS permissions required to deploy.

Shortcut for example projects

If you code is written in python, you can fork the cloudreactor-python-ecs-quickstart project which also includes a lot of goodies for python development, like:

  • Runs, tests, and deploys everything with Docker, no local python installation required
  • Uses pip-tools to manage only top-level python library dependencies
  • Uses pytest (testing), pylint (static code analysis), mypy (static type checking), and safety (security vulnerability checking) for quality control
  • Uses GitHub Actions for Continuous Integration (CI)

You can now skip to setting Task properties.

Existing projects

If you have an existing project you want to deploy, follow the steps below.

First, if you haven’t already, Dockerize your project. The steps are language dependent, so do a web search for “dockerize [your language]”.

Next, ensure that you Docker image contains the files necessary to run proc_wrapper. This could either be a standalone executable, or having python 3.6+ installed and installing the cloudreactor-procwrapper PyPi package . Your Dockerfile should call proc_wrapper as its entrypoint. If using a standalone Linux executable:

# Local copy of
COPY deploy_config/files/proc_wrapper .
RUN chmod +x proc_wrapper



If using the python package:

# Local copy of
COPY deploy_config/files/proc_wrapper-requirements.txt .
RUN pip3 install -r proc_wrapper-requirements.txt
RUN pip3 install cloudreactor-procwrapper==3.0.1


ENTRYPOINT python3 -m proc_wrapper $TASK_COMMAND

Now let’s work on the build and deployment process. First copy from the aws-ecs-cloudreactor-deployer repository into your project root directory. This is a driver script that will run the deployer’s Docker image with various options.

Afterwards, copy the deploy_config directory from the aws-ecs-cloudreactor-deploy repository into your project’s root directory. We’ll modify the contained files with the Task properties next.

Set Task properties

Whether you are starting with an example quickstart project or modifying an existing project, the next step is to set properties for each Task in each deployment environment. Each deployment environment is associated with a Run Environment, and in most cases the mapping is one-to-one.

Common properties for all Tasks and deployment environments can be entered in deploy_config/vars/common.yml. For every deployment environment (“staging”, “production”) that you have, create a file deploy_config/vars/<environment>.yml that is based on deploy_config/vars/example.yml and add your settings there.

Both common.yml and example.yml have many properties you can uncomment and set, such as the subnets that you want your Task running in. In most cases, you can leave properties unset, defaulting to the properties in the Run Environment associated with the deployment environment. Task Configuration for aws-ecs-cloudreactor-deploy contains more details on how to set properties.

Two notable properties you can set in the deployment-specific file are the Deploy API Key and the Task API Key:

  deploy_api_key: xxx
  task_api_key: yyy

Setting these properties in plaintext is insecure, but in the interest of expediency, you make want to do that for now. After you’ve evaluated if CloudReactor suits your needs, you can secure your secrets using one of the methods described in secret management.

Customize the build

At a minimum, you need to inject AWS credentials and two CloudReactor API keys into the build environment. You may have injected the CloudReactor API keys in your deploy_config/vars/<environment>.yml file already, but you still need to inject AWS credentials.

To help with variable injection, the Ansible playbook also reads environment variables which you can set in deploy.env or deploy.<environment>.env. Using this functionality, an easy but insecure way to inject AWS credentials is to copy deploy.env.example to deploy.env and and fill in your AWS access key, access key secret, and default region:

# deploy.staging.env


# Change to the region your ECS cluster is in.

The access key and secret would be for the AWS user you plan on using to deploy with, as described in Deployer API Permissions.

To use secrets or perform custom build steps (such as compilation), see Build Customization.


Finally, deploy. In a bash shell, run:

./ <environment> [TASK_NAMES]

or in Windows:

.\cr_deploy.cmd <environment> [TASK_NAMES]

where TASK_NAMES is an optional, comma-separated list of Tasks to deploy. If omitted, all tasks defined in deploy_config/vars/common.yml will be deployed.

If you wrote a wrapper over, use that instead.

Further steps